2022 Texas' Universal Beauty (13 - 15)
My name is Nyelle Cox, and I am your 2021 Universal Beauty for the 13-to-15-year age group! I am 15 years old and in the 10th grade. I am studying cosmetology to get my license at the end of high school. I love doing hair, make-up and eyelashes. My favorite activities are all-star cheer and dancing with my RS3 Elite Family!
I truly appreciate representing the state of Texas. Becoming a state queen has given me so much confidence, purpose and has allowed me the privilege of meeting new people and sharing my story. It has been an amazing journey.
This is my amazing family!! We live in Killeen, Texas, about an hour away from Austin. My sisters, brother, cousins, mom, dad, grandmas and aunts are my number one fans. Even though there are some many of them they all are my number one. My mom Jakara is so amazing, and she holds the whole family together. She also keeps everything in order for me because I can be a mess sometimes. She always cheers me up when I am struggling and never fails to make the best cookies. My sisters Mya, Kianah, Kiarah are always leading, protecting and guiding me through things. Thank you all for loving, caring and leading the way because I am also the youngest sister. I love them some much and no one can break us apart. My little
brother D.J. is always rooting for me and cheering me on. My dad never fails to embarrass me but it is all out of love. I also wanted to say thank you to my aunties for helping me get to this point and my grandmas for always standing by my side. I love you all and thank y’all!!

This is my love... Dance if I could get married to dance I would. Dance is my life! I have been dancing since I was little, and I don’t know what I would do without it. It’s not the only talent I have, I also love cheering and doing any type of cosmetology. But dance will always be the beat to my heart. It calms me down and is there when I need it. It is like a best friend. I love it and I hope it loves me too.
Being a Queen, you get to help out around your city. This picture is from when I walked the Relay for Life for The American Cancer Society. It was held at Vandergrift High School from 4:30 pm to 2:30 am. It felt amazing to help out for such as great cause. They also performed a luminary ceremony at night that symbolized hope and perseverance. I have also been involved with feeding the homeless at shelters and food and clothes drives for back-to-school organizations.
You don’t have to be a queen to help out your community!
This opportunity has granted me the vision that I need to help my community more.

Nyelle Cox
2021 Texas’ Universal Beauty 13-15