2023 Texas' Universal Girl

Hi I'm Bailey! I'm 19 and live in Marble Falls, Texas. I'll be graduating high-school in May and going to college in August. I'll be attending Mary Hardin Baylor for their Nursing and Ministry program. I am a certified CNA and working for my EMT license currently. My parents are John and Jami Bowles and have a brother Ean and niece Ophilia. I spend most of my time either dog sitting, working as an after school teacher for ACE, studying, hiking, or working at Putters and Gutters for their concerts. A few things I really enjoy is dancing, hiking, baking, and music. This is my first time with this pageant system but my second ever pageant. I enjoy this pageant because it allows me to connect with my local community + other community and it allows you to meet people from all over!

Ive very close with my family. My mom and I go to bingo every 1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month. My brother and I's favorite activity to do together are our random trips to Walmart. I mainly spend my weekends with my niece, Ophilia, we fall asleep together a lot which to me is my favorite thing to do with her. Basically our little sleepovers but just in sassy's (me) room. My whole family is from Marble Falls making me the 3rd generation to live in the town of both sides of the family.

Some of my interests are dancing, hiking, baking, and music. I used to be on my high-school's drill team and I served as Miss High Kick 2021-2022 then junior lieutenant 2022-2023 then Senior Lieutenant 2023-2024. I am the 3rd generation to be on this drill team as well! If I ever need to clear my mind, I go on hikes. I mainly stick to 4+ mile hikes that have any type of body of water around it. When I was younger my Mema would always bake when we were either spending the night or for one of our birthdays, or for holidays so I've been around it a lot. I'd say the best thing I make is caramel brown butter snickerdoodles. Most likely if you see me, I have my ear buds in listening to music. I'm not ignoring you, I just can't hear you haha. I listen to mainly country.
When I choose to volunteer anywhere its either with young kids or animals. I have a huge heart for animals, they are actually what made me start volunteering at places. I also enjoy volunteering at places that will give back to my community.

I'm so excited to see everyone this spring! Good Luck and see you in Bastrop.
Bailey Bowles
2023 Texas Universal Girl