2022 Texas' Universal Beauty (29 & up)

Hey y’all!! I’m Ashly, your 2022 Texas’ Universal Beauty Queen. I am 35 years old, and please give me all the coffee, books, felt hats and funny gifs that you can send my way. I love to stay motivated and charged so you can find me listening to self growth classes, a podcast, or music that helps me stay in the right mind-frame. If I get the chance to, I love to take a moment to journal in my Bible, something about drawing and painting that help me not only slow down but take in the word. It’s become something quite dear to me.
I’m the wife to my amazing husband, Joshua Williams, and mother to 4 awesome children; Ayden 11, Aliyna 8, Adeline 7, and Aria 3. We call ourselves the ATeam since we all have A names, with my husband being the coach of course. I enjoy homeschooling, hiking, and going on new adventures with my family. We love traveling and have truly enjoyed the slow lane for quite some time. This past year however we made it a personal goal to be involved with our community and now serve our community in a variety of ways. Along with getting the opportunity to serve my community as your 2022 Texas’ Universal Beauty, we’ve joined an American Heritage Girls troop together and love that it’s one more organization we get to experience all kinds of new things together; like camping, sewing, and awesome trips. Thankfully we get to use a lot of our homeschool lessons to help my kiddos earn badges. Talk about a multitasking mom. This year you will find me wearing many hats along with my crown. From going out to the fields as a baseball mom, to indoors enjoying the AC as a gymnastics mom where I watch my two oldest girls. I have also served as a Unit Leader in Awana going on four years now. In between going from Troops and Clubs, I’m a Family life Coach, who wants to help encourage and motivate families to cultivate their own culture so they can face this thing together with grace, love and compassion. This year I’m adding a new hat as I Co- Coordinate a Church Group for Moms, called Thrive. I’m excited about where it will lead me.
When I finally get a chance to take a break from all family obligations I love to sit outside and garden. Like everything else, is a family affair. The garden is a family labor of love because my children and husband built my garden beds for me. So, being in the garden brings me peace, and I literally feel like I’m surrounded with love. We’ve grown amazing things but my favorite is all natural Loofah’s!! I never knew how big they got and last year I was able to grow one three inches longer than my arm!!! It was amazing. I’ve loved making food that grows from our garden and was proud of myself when I made homemade preserves from figs.
I believe in helping build up the next generation and absolutely love getting the chance to serve my community alongside my family where I hope to foster a servant heart in them. I love to show them and not just ask it of them, bc the light in their eyes when we complete a service is truly a gift to see. We’ve enjoyed a lot of first this year; singing Carols for the elders during Christmas time, working our first Toy-drive and helping fill lunches for Backpack friends so no kid gets left behind. I thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to serve my hometown during their first Arts + Music Festival. To be able to go back home and serve is an honor. I’ve always loved giving back in a variety of ways and love that I get to hone into those skills even more as an OLM representative.
I can’t wait to see everyone at prelims and kick off State with full BarbieCore attitude as I love all things pink! I just know I will be in love with everyone’s dresses and outfits that I will barely be able to contain myself. I don’t know who I will be passing the crown too, but I can’t wait to add a new Queen Sister to this amazing sisterhood that I am blessed to be apart of. It’s truly like nothing I’ve ever experienced before. Thank you 2022 Texas’ Beauty Royalty for everything.
Spreading much love and sparkles,
Ashly Williams
2022 Texas’ Universal Beauty